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Manufacture sacrée restitue un travail d’enquête autour des marques, sigles, cachets et signatures lapidaires d’ouvriers dans l’art du bâti, des maçons aux tailleurs de pierre, des bâtisseurs de cathédrale de l’époque romane aux ouvriers contemporains.


The Magic-Mediation Tarot is a non-divinatory and performative tarot designed by Cynthia Montier.

*Contact cynthiamontier@riseup.net for a reading
*Get yourself one copy on http://editionscartonpate.com/
[Each purchase of Tarot Magie-médiation includes a tarot reading]


Inspired by a virtual symposium that took place in 2020 and featured in the exhibition COVEN: Witchcraft for Politics (2021) at the Feminist Autonomous Centre for Research in Athens, Greece, this hand-numbered, limited edition publication collects writings from an international and interdisciplinary body of artists and researchers addressing desire—and with it, sex, love and care—from the perspective of the contemporary moment.

Edited by Lilly Marks and Caroline Harris
Designed by Toni Brell


The Magic-Mediation Tarot is a non-divinatory and performative tarot designed by Cynthia Montier.

*Contact cynthiamontier@riseup.net for a reading
*Get yourself one copy on http://editionscartonpate.com/
[Each purchase of Tarot Magie-médiation includes a tarot reading]


A series of talismans as key rings from the pebbles on the Sainte-Odile site with Odylus residents, who are temporarily occupying places. Doubles are then shaped and decorated with an engraving of the Kenaz rune. This rune shaped in a corner of a roof symbolises the domesticated fire, the torch, the flame, in connection with the hearth or the household: in the past, the population was counted in number of « fire » or luminous « hearths », therefore readable at night. Kenaz, lined and inverted to form a cross, corresponds to the rune Gebo which means hospitality, gift or attachment.

*Get yourself one on http://editionscartonpate.com/


Intuitive and sensorial knowledges become datas, displaying dialogical formats & dispositives through which conversation is experienced as a form.


To come out with one’s head covered with a veil or face concealed is an act of faith as much as an act of protest that draws its sources from vernacular practices of blackening the face as much as from mortuary rituals, social, political or religious practices. The collective invention of historie.es veils / scarves / banners will be an opportunity to reflect together on the political power of textiles and the symbolisation and representation of struggles.


Esotericogeographical Map, A1, CMJN, R°V°, papier machine 90 g/m² Cynthia Montier & Ophélie Naessens are a duo of artist-researchers. Their work explores the notion of esoterico-geography, the apprehension of geography and urban or rural geology as spaces with a double dimension: both physical (concrete) and esoteric (hidden meaning), revealing a profound meaning; the symbolic representation […]


The Research Tarot is a non-divinatory tarot composed of 78 cards (80×145 mm) for as many figures. In contrast to the traditional Tarot de Marseille, the Tarot de Recherche draws on creative gestures and militant postures that predate it. Each reading engages an intervention: a research, an interview, or a performative gesture.


S.F.B. kit est un ensemble d’auto-éditions, entre le fanzine vernaculaire et le multiple d’artiste, co-réalisé avec les ouvriers d’un chantier Strasbourgeois, dont la société de construction est maintenant fermée. Ce corpus éditorial restitue une résidence de travail clandestine et généreuse sur le chantier en question, mise en place grâce à la complicité des ouvriers.