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Manufacture sacrée restitue un travail d’enquête autour des marques, sigles, cachets et signatures lapidaires d’ouvriers dans l’art du bâti, des maçons aux tailleurs de pierre, des bâtisseurs de cathédrale de l’époque romane aux ouvriers contemporains.


Esoterical vandalism & dialogical graffiti as ruses for symbolic appropriations of public space took the shape of a talk during Urban Creativity User Experience Online Conference, curated by Pedro Soares Neves.


Graffiti Ouija No. 1 – Oracle Graffiti is a device to allow communication with the banished spirits of the city. It takes the shape of a Ouija board on the scale of a tunnel floor (13 x 3 m), inscribed on the ground with sign paint. While the municipality tries to make them disappear, wandering […]


Dialoging directly with public and occult places through field surveys, exploratory interviews, serendipity walks, visits via esoteric, narrative, sensitive, geological approaches.